Wayne County Rural Health Network

General Hours
General Hours
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Bridging Gaps in Healthcare Access
The Wayne County Rural Health Network is a collaborative partnership of health and human service providers working together to make increased access to needed services available. Collaborating with partners, providers, and individuals, we plan, initiate, and implement innovative solutions for emerging and unmet health and human service needs that one provider alone could not undertake. We work closely with individuals seeking help with basic, daily needs to guide and advise them towards the best organization that can help them quickly. Our program staff is local to Wayne County and dedicated to the needs of rural communities. In addition, The Wayne County Rural Health Network is advised by a board of directors led by representatives from local Wayne County agencies.
For help connecting with local resources, please call (315) 483-3200 to speak with a Wayne County Rural Health Network staff member or send us an email today.
Call (315) 483-3200 Today Email Us
Behavioral Health Support
We partner with many agencies that can provide you with support for behavioral health issues such as suicide prevention, inpatient/outpatient alcohol & substance abuse, inpatient/outpatient mental health, and more.
We help individuals who are underinsured or non-insured to receive preventative screenings for breast, cervical, and colorectal cancer. For more information, please visit the New York State Cancer Services Program.
Healthy Living
We can help your family live a healthier lifestyle, including healthy cooking and healthy activities.
Wayne County Rural Health Network in cooperation with community agencies and faith based organizations offer community forums, educational workshops, health fairs, health screenings, and/or other needed outreach activities.
Wayne County Rural Health Network promotes links and communication between county organizations and service providers.
Wayne County Rural Health Network sponsors education and outreach workshops that provide information on healthy nutrition and cooking as well as chronic disease self management programs.
Wayne County Rural Health Network partners with several agencies to promote healthy women, infants and children by providing resources, educational workshops, and health screenings in identified areas of Wayne County in which there is a need for greater awareness and information about women, mothers, infants, and children’s health.
Wayne County Rural Health Network supports behavioral health counseling services and sponsors community education and outreach events to increase public awareness and understanding of mental health and substance abuse issues.
Certificates and Awards

A proud member of the NYS Association for Rural Health
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