Your Hospital Stay

What To Bring

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What To Bring

Not sure how to pack for your upcoming stay at one of our Rochester Regional Health hospitals? Please see below for tips on what to bring and what not to bring for your hospital stay. 

What To Bring

  • You are welcome to bring items from home which may make you more comfortable during your stay, such as shoes, underclothes, daytime clothes, hearing aids, glasses, dentures, etc. Please label your clothing or other personal items. 
  • Personal toiletries such as a toothbrush, toothpaste, hair brushes, combs, deodorant, etc., are not routinely provided. You may bring these items from home, or they can be purchased from our gift cart or in the gift shop located in the hospital that you're visiting.

What NOT To Bring

  • As a safety precaution, personal electrical appliances such as televisions, radios, hair dryers and shavers may not be used in the Hospital. You may use battery-operated grooming appliances.
  • Please do not keep cash or other valuables in your room.